/ Physical Education & Health / Physical Education / Fifth Avenue Elementary School / Yearly Plans
Yearly Plans



* Gym Rules/Procedures, Expectations,Personal Safety,Outdoor Safety

  • Gym rules/Procedures

  • Spatial Awareness / Body Awareness

  • Cooperative Games

  • Fire drills / Lockdown

  • Playground and Wellness Trail Safety, Street Games rules

  • Written Pre- Assessment for SLO/LAM




* Locomotor movements, Fitness, Overhand throw (Football)

  • Directionality

  • Galloping, Skipping, Side-Step

  • Warm-ups, stretches, sprints

  • Football

  • Underhand toss, overhand throw (step and throw)

  • Target throwing, bowling (rolling)




* Eye-foot, Eye-hand coordination (Soccer, Basketball)

  • Ball Handling

  • Soccer

  • Dribbling, passing, kicking, goal tending skills

  • Basketball

  • Dribbling, passing, shooting skills




* Striking with implements (Pillow Polo, Hockey)

  • Striking with an implement

  • Pillow Polo

  • Dribbling, passing, shooting, goal tending skills

  • Hockey

  • Dribbling, passing, shooting, goal tending skills

  • Teamwork, Cooperation, Sportsmanship




* Yoga, Obstacle Course, Fitness, Scooter Safety

  • Reinforce Body and Spatial Awareness

  • Yoga movements and tag games

  • Human Obstacle Course

  • Muscular Strength / Cardiovascular improvement / Flexibility

  • Scooter safety and relays




* Healthy Heart Month, New Food Pyramid, Parachute / Rhythm

  • Healthy foods and exercises for the heart

  • New Food Pyramid

  • Jump rope safety / spatial awareness

  • Jump rope skill work / agility

  • Parachute fundamental skills

  • Parachute musical routines




* Widdle equipment, Lacrosse, Circus Arts

  • Animal walks

  • Use of Widdle Equipment

  • Cradling, Passing, Shooting

  • Gymnastics, basic tumbling skills

  • Balancing, eye-hand coordination, juggling




*  Striking with/without implements, Volleyball

  • Balloon balancing, striking with open hand

  • Striking with short and long lollipop paddles

  • Volleyball with Balloons

  • Bumping, setting with balloons

  • Bumping, setting with beach balls

  • Written Post Assessment SLO / LAM




* Baseball / Kick ball / Fitness / 2nd Grade Assessments

  • Striking with ball on tee

  • Striking with wiffle bat with underhand/overhand pitching

  • Fielding ground balls / fly balls / playground balls

  • Running bases for baseball/kickball

  • Modified kickball (Fitness ball)

  • Wellness Trail




* Track and Field, Field Day Prep, Practice end of year Assemblies

  • Walking ½ mile, full mile

  • Sprinting, short and long distance

  • Review Relays, Playground and Street game safety

  • End of year show practices in conjunction with Music teacher

  • Wellness Trail