Donation School Supply Lists 2024-2025
Please Label Everything: Left Justify your child’s name on all materials
Quantity Description
- 1 Student headphones in a labeled Ziplock bag
- 2 Containers of playdough
- 1 Filled water bottle (Label with first and last name)
- 1 Plastic Folder STAPLES 3- Hole Punched 2 Pocket Portfolio Red (52803)
- 1 Plastic Folder STAPLES 3- Hole Punched 2 Pocket Portfolio Blue (52808)
- 2 Mead Primary Composition Marble Notebook
- 1 Spiral Notebook (1 Subject) 70 - 100 Count
- 1 Crayola Crayons - 8 or 16 Count
- 1 Single hole punch
- 4 Expo Markers (dry erase, bullet tip)
- 1 Elmer’s Washable School Glue - 4 oz Bottle
- 1 Elmer's Disappearing Purple School Glue Sticks, 3 Pack
- 1 Crayola Washable (Classic Color) Markers, Broad Line - 8 Count
- 1 Box of No. 2 Pencils (Sharpened) (GIRLS only)
- 1 12 Pack and 1 box of Colored Pencils (BOYS only)
- 1 Scissor (Child)
- 1 Container of Baby Wipes (Girls)
- 1 Container of Lysol Wipes (Boys)
- 1 Box of Tissues
- 1 Box Gallon Size Ziplock bags
- 1 Sandwich Ziplock bags (GIRLS), Snack Sized Ziplock bags (BOYS)
Your child will also need to bring the following items on his/her first day of school.
- Yellow Dismissal Procedures form, completely filled out
- A large backpack, so items could fit in it easily
- Sneakers are to be worn daily for playground safety
- Pack a daily healthy snack.
- A change of clothes (labeled, in a Ziplock bag)
- A small blanket or towel for rest time in a Reusable Plastic Tote Bag (labeled)
Thank you so much for your support!
Youngest Marauders…We Learn, We Discover, We Succeed
Ms. Jacqueline Ribera