Ms. Surian & Mrs. Marra's Supply List
- Backpack
- 3 marble composition notebooks
- 1 red sturdy PLASTIC folder with prongs
- 1 blue sturdy PLASTIC folder with prongs
- 1 green sturdy PLASTIC folder with prongs
- 24 count crayon box
- 6 glue sticks (jumbo if possible)
- 20 sharpened pencils
- Scissors
- Thin Black Expo markers
- 3 hole binder clear pencil pouch
- Girls: Arrowhead erasers
- Boys: Pink handheld erasers
- 2 containers anti-bacterial wipes (Clorox, etc.)
- 2 packages of baby wipes
- 3 boxes of Tissues
- 1 roll of paper towels
- 1 pack of 3 inch by 5 inch index cards
- Headphones to use with class Chromebooks (Please make sure they are comfortable for your child.)
- Girls: 1 box of sandwich size Ziploc baggies
- Boys: 1 box of gallon size Ziploc baggies
- A change of clothes in a baggie labeled with your child's name